Before and After Steroids: 10 Transformations

Dr George TouliatosDisclaimer: The following article is for educational purposes only and does not promote the use of illegal steroids. If you have any questions or concerns, Dr. Touliatos is currently available for consultation.

Just as many are aware of anabolic steroids’ notorious side effects, few need convincing regarding their effectiveness.

If you’ve known someone who has taken anabolic steroids and have observed their dramatic and rapid transformation firsthand, you will begin to understand the potency of these drugs.

Or, you may have seen your favourite Hollywood actor transform their body in a matter of weeks or months and wondered what it takes to get so ripped.

No two steroids work exactly the same. Thus, in this article, you will see 10 before and after pictures from people who have taken various steroids, so you can see how each one affects the body differently (from an aesthetic perspective).

Before and After Steroids (Novices)

Educated novices will predominantly opt for testosterone during their first cycle.

This is because testosterone produces exceptional results and is the least risky of the options.

Testosterone poses little cardiovascular strain and almost no hepatic strain in our experience, which is unique compared to other anabolic steroids. This is why testosterone is FDA-approved and prescribed to millions of men worldwide who have clinically deficient endogenous levels.

Testosterone (Male)

testosterone before and after

The results in the above before and after transformation are typical of a first steroid cycle using testosterone.

Testosterone enables users to build significant amounts of lean muscle (1) while simultaneously reducing subcutaneous fat stores. We have found 15-20 pounds of weight gain to be common in novices during their first cycle.

Testosterone enanthate or cypionate are preferred esters, as they are slow-acting and thus require infrequent injections (2). Also, they are both cheap to purchase on the black market, making for an affordable cycle.

Below is a sample cycle commonly used by weightlifters to achieve a similar before and after transformation as the one above.

testosterone first cycle

Anavar (Female)

anavar for women

Women commonly use Anavar as their first cycle because it doesn’t typically cause masculinization (unlike many other steroids).

Also, we have found Anavar’s side effects to be mild, with many females noticing no adverse effects. Plus, it’s oral and thus beneficial to women put off by injectable steroids.

In our experience, women often build 7–10 lbs of muscle on Anavar while stripping significant amounts of visceral and subcutaneous fat stores.

The scales may not fluctuate much due to this simultaneous fat-burning and mass-building effect. However, a woman’s body composition will significantly improve, with a leaner, fuller, and more defined appearance.

Note: Many women will only ever take Anavar, as the majority of anabolic steroids cause virilization (3). The only exception to this is competitive female bodybuilders, who happily take riskier compounds, trading their femininity for bigger muscles.

female anavar only cycle

Note: The above protocol is a common Anavar cycle for women, utilizing conservative dosages to avoid virilization or masculinization. Competitive female bodybuilders may take more aggressive dosages.

Anavar (Male)

anavar before after

We also see Anavar taken by men as a first cycle (instead of testosterone) if mass gain is less of a priority and fat loss is the main goal.

Thus, this is essentially a cutting cycle that will produce exceptional fat-burning and moderate lean muscle gains. The scales won’t increase as they will on testosterone, but the lipolytic (fat-burning) effects will be greater.

anavar only cycle

Anavar cycle for men

We find male beginners can tolerate higher dosages of Anavar compared to women, as they naturally have higher endogenous testosterone levels.

Note: Since these compounds are new to the body, the majority of steroid users will experience significant gains in the first few cycles. After this, more powerful compounds can be used to prevent plateauing, albeit with more pronounced side effects.


winstrol before and after

Winstrol (stanozolol) is a cutting steroid used to build lean muscle mass while simultaneously decreasing fat mass. It also has a diuretic effect, drying out the body and enhancing muscle definition.

Thus, its benefits are similar to Anavar’s; however, Winstrol causes harsher side effects in regards to negative alterations in cholesterol and liver toxicity. Thus, Winstrol is not recommended for beginners.

We also find that Winstrol causes masculinization in women; however, this may be avoided with minimal dosages (no more than 5 mg/day).


before and after steroids

Dianabol is a steroid that can add up to 50 pounds of mass to users when cycled multiple times and stacked with other bulking steroids.

Thus, it’s no surprise that Dianabol is one of the most sought-after steroids on the market due to its exceptional mass-building properties.

It was the steroid predominantly used in The Golden Era to bulk up Arnold Schwarzenegger and other greats from the 1970s.

Even to this day, Dianabol continues to live up to its nickname, The Grandfather of All Anabolic Steroids.


trenbolone before and after

If there was one steroid a man could take to make him look photoshopped, trenbolone would be it.

Trenbolone can be classified as a bulking or cutting steroid due to its versatile nature. And it could rank at the top of each category, being an incredibly potent muscle builder and fat burner.

We have not experienced trenbolone causing weight gain like Dianabol, as it doesn’t increase water weight. However, it rivals Dianabol in terms of pure muscle tissue gained.

Trenbolone’s vast androgenicity is unrivaled, which is why it can burn significant amounts of fat, thanks to the AR (androgen receptor) stimulating lipolysis.

Trenbolone causes the greatest hypertrophy of androgen-sensitive muscle groups, such as the trapezius and deltoid muscles.

However, trenbolone produces harsh side effects and thus should be strictly avoided by beginners. We often record testosterone suppression being severe, as well as LDL cholesterol levels rising.

Deca Durabolin

The above before and after photo is a suitable illustration of the exceptional muscle fullness and thickness that Deca Durabolin can produce.

This effect is caused by Deca Durabolin’s ability to increase intracellular fluid on-cycle as well as promote overall anabolism.

Generally, we do not see Deca Durabolin causing incredible changes in muscle hypertrophy on its own; however, it does take mass to a new level when stacked with other bulking steroids, such as testosterone or Dianabol.

Deca Durabolin and Dianabol were a popular duo among Golden Era bodybuilders, enabling them to successfully bulk up in the offseason. These were arguably the greatest physiques ever created, and they are still idolized today.


clenbuterol before and after

Clenbuterol isn’t a steroid but a sympathomimetic amine. It is often combined with anabolic steroids during cutting cycles, thanks to its potent effects on adrenaline and metabolism.

Users can experience rapid fat loss in just one short cycle of clenbuterol, which typically lasts anywhere from 2–4 weeks.

Though muscle definition will increase on clenbuterol, muscle size will predominantly stay the same, with its anabolism questionable in humans.

We have found clenbuterol’s lipolytic effects to be notably greater than those of most anabolic steroids, due to its more stimulative effect on the central nervous system. Consequently, the spike in metabolism will enhance calorie expenditure at rest and reduce fat mass.

However, we have seen clenbuterol users experience:

  • Heart arrhythmias
  • Nervousness
  • Heart palpitations


Anadrol (Oxymetholone): The Ultimate Guide - Inside Bodybuilding

Anadrol is among the most powerful mass-building steroids. It is very similar to Dianabol in regards to its ability to add strength and size, as well as being an oral steroid.

Anadrol is also referred to as a wet steroid, meaning that it causes fluid retention when combined with a diet containing moderate amounts of sodium. Thus, it is predominantly used in the off-season as a bulking compound.

It is often stacked with testosterone or Deca Durabolin (injectable steroids) for enhanced gains without further compromising liver function.

Anadrol is one of the most toxic steroids you can take with regard to hepatic and cardiac health, based on our liver function and lipid profile tests.

Related: Top 5 Anadrol Cycles For Huge Gains


hgh before after

Human growth hormone, or HGH, is a peptide hormone that bodybuilders take to enhance fat-burning and increase muscle hypertrophy.

HGH can take muscle gains to the next level if a bodybuilder has previously taken steroids to increase testosterone levels but is yet to maximize their HGH.

HGH’s main benefit, however, is fat burning, and thus its anabolic nature is milder than that of the average steroid.

As you can see from the before and after photos, this bodybuilder looks bigger, leaner, and more defined.

However, his gut has grown in size, which is indicative of visceral fat gain. This is the fat that wraps around the organs and causes a distended look to the midsection. HGH is notorious for causing this appearance due to its aggravating of insulin sensitivity when used long-term (4). In our experience, there is little you can do to reduce visceral fat once it has accumulated to this level.


Are Steroids Legal?

Anabolic steroids are controlled substances in almost every country in the world, thus being strictly illegal.

However, some steroids are FDA-approved in medicine, so doctors can prescribe certain compounds (like testosterone) within the confines of the law. However, this is to treat a hormonal imbalance rather than be utilized for cosmetic purposes.

It’s worth noting that there are legal steroid alternatives that can produce impressive before and after transformations (see below):


legal clenbuterol before and after

female legal steroid before after

The above transformations are taken from the Crazy Bulk website.

Crazy Bulk manufactures natural and FDA-approved compounds that mimic the anabolic effects of steroids but without the side effects.

Thus, D-Bal will increase protein synthesis and nitrogen retention inside the muscle cell (a similar chemical process to Dianabol); however, it won’t cause the following:

  • Increased blood pressure
  • Raised liver values
  • Low testosterone levels

Furthermore, legal steroid alternatives won’t land you in trouble with the law.

How Long Does It Take to See Results From Steroids?

We have observed the following fast-acting steroids produce results in a matter of days:

  1. Tenbolone
  2. Winstrol
  3. Dianabol
  4. Anadrol

Some of our patients have even reported a visual difference in muscle fullness or dryness in a matter of hours.

However, other steroids are slower to take effect due to their longer esters.

Although some compounds take longer to work, this does not mean that they are necessarily inferior, as the end result can be just as impressive as a shorter ester.

Do Steroids Change Your Face?

We have seen anabolic steroids change the structure of a person’s face, giving it a more masculine appearance, particularly the jawline. This applies to both genders.

Beard growth on the face can also be accelerated, with enhanced volume and thickness in previously patchy areas. This happens due to the 5a-reductase enzyme increasing the conversion of testosterone into DHT (dihydrotestosterone). Consequently, this hormone promotes hair growth on the body and face but has the opposite effect on the scalp (accelerating balding).

One temporary downside of estrogenic steroids (testosterone, Dianabol, and Anadrol) is that they can cause water retention. This can often result in a puffy or bloated appearance to the facial region, albeit alleviating post-cycle.

After Someone Stops Steroids, Will They Lose Their Results?

We have found fat loss from steroids to be permanent, and the only way this will reverse is if the person overeats and gains body fat.

Muscle gain from steroids is mostly permanent if the user continues lifting weights.

However, should the person cease training, they will lose their steroid-induced results (as well as their natural beginner results).

Scientists now understand that the permanent or long-term effects of steroids can be attributed to an increase in myonuclei.

Thus, through the principle of muscle memory, the body is able to remember the steroid-induced muscle size and restore it in the future (5).

How Many Bodybuilders Take Steroids?

In 1989, researchers found that 54% of competitive male bodybuilders in Kansas and Missouri were taking steroids on a regular basis, with 10% of the female bodybuilders also admitting to such.

However, over the last 30 years, there’s been a surge in steroid use among non-competitive bodybuilders, who take them purely for cosmetic reasons. These now make up the majority of our patients.

Currently, 1 million people in Britain are believed to be taking steroids (6) with 0.5% of the US adult population in 2004 openly admitting to taking them (7). Today, this translates to approximately 1.3 million US adults, although the true figure is believed to be much higher than this, as many aren’t comfortable admitting to taking illegal drugs.

Conclusion: Are Steroids a Miracle Pill?

test enanthate
There is no denying the effectiveness of anabolic steroids; however, it is also important to understand the role that genetics, nutrition, and workouts contribute to a person’s transformation.

Also, it is worth noting that less isn’t always more—in regard to steroid dosages and lengthy cycles. Many people will see a person’s body dramatically improve but won’t see the underlying cardiac or hepatic damage occurring that we regularly detect.

Disclaimer: We are not definitively claiming the individuals in these before and after pictures have taken any steroids mentioned in this article. They merely illustrate the effects certain steroids have for educational purposes.

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