Top 5 Anadrol Cycles for Bulking and Cutting
Disclaimer: The following article is for educational purposes only and does not promote the use of illegal steroids. If you have any questions or concerns, Dr. Touliatos is currently available for consultation.
Anadrol (oxymetholone) is a bulking steroid taken by weightlifters wanting to build large amounts of muscle size (hypertrophy) and strength.
Anadrol’s anabolic power is unrivaled, with it even having the ability to add exceptional size to ectomorphs, or hard gainers.
The only steroid that can stand toe to toe with Anadrol, in terms of weight gain, is Dianabol.
As Anadrol is best utilized in the off-season, the following cycles in this article are tailored for bulking. Anadrol can also be used for cutting; however, because of potential water retention and bloating, it is a less common protocol.
Anadrol is a very harsh steroid, so it should only be used by experienced steroid users (unless beginners take small doses). Beginners preferably opt for lighter compounds, such as testosterone, during their first few cycles.
Disclosure: We do not accept any form of advertising on Inside Bodybuilding. We monetize our practice via doctor consultations and carefully chosen pharmaceutical recommendations, which have given our patients excellent results.
Approved Anadrol Source
If you suffer from anemia or cachexia and require Anadrol for medicinal purposes, we recommend Prestige Pharmaceuticals due to their product efficacy and fast worldwide shipping (2–6 days).
Anadrol is legal to purchase in some countries and not in others; thus, it is the responsibility of users to act within the confines of their native law.
Inside Bodybuilding does not condone the use of AAS via illegal means or for cosmetic use.
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Top 5 Anadrol Cycles
These cycles will be in the order of weakest to strongest. Thus, as the list goes down, the side effects will become harsher. The very bottom cycles are only for seasoned steroid users who have already taken powerful cycles before.
1. Anadrol-Only Cycle
This is a mildly-dosed cycle, tailored for beginners.
If a user’s side effects are quite significant at 50 mg per day, refrain from increasing the dose to 75 mg on week 4 (continuing with 50 mg/day).
100 mg doses should be strictly avoided during the first Anadrol cycle.
Despite a lower dose being administered during this cycle, massive increases in size and strength will be experienced due to the body not having used this compound before.
We have seen beginners gain 30 lbs from this cycle.
Anadrol-Only Cycle (Advanced)
This Anadrol cycle is for experienced users only.
If someone has previously used Anadrol and their body’s adapted to this compound, they may want to cycle it again, but at a higher dose and for a longer period of time (for increased gains).
This cycle is only for those who are in excellent health and have regular checkups with their doctor prior to taking it.
If someone currently has inadequate health and then takes this cycle, it will deteriorate further.
2. Anadrol and Deca Durabolin
Deca Durabolin is an effective injectable steroid that users can stack with Anadrol, increasing muscle hypertrophy and strength.
Deca Durabolin is not a toxic steroid like Anadrol, so side effects won’t be a lot more severe than running Anadrol by itself. However, testosterone will be more suppressed post-cycle, so a powerful PCT should be used.
These are fairly modest doses; therefore, this cycle may be utilized after cycling Anadrol a couple of times by itself.
The main side effects we come across on Deca Durabolin are very low libido and erectile dysfunction, notoriously known as Deca dick. Deca Durabolin can cause this effect due to its stimulating effect on prolactin levels.
To combat this and maintain optimal sexual function, we prescribe Dostinex, otherwise known as cabergoline. This is a drug our doctors use to effectively treat hyperprolactinemia, a condition where the body produces too much prolactin. We find Dostinex increases sexual libido and erection quality relatively quickly (1).
Anadrol and Deca (Advanced)
With this Deca Durabolin and Anadrol cycle, the user is utilizing higher doses. Thus, results will increase, and so will the severity of side effects.
3. Anadrol and Testosterone
Testosterone is another powerful bulking steroid that will significantly enhance muscle and strength gains when stacked with Anadrol. This duo is one of the best combinations for mass in our experience.
Testosterone is an injectable steroid, and thus there won’t be any (significant) additional liver strain with the inclusion of testosterone.
However, natural testosterone levels will become more suppressed post-cycle, in contrast to taking Anadrol alone. Furthermore, the risk of gynecomastia, high blood pressure, acne, and hair loss will increase.
To combat the onset of gynecomastia during a cycle, our patients will typically take a SERM (such as Nolvadex) to reduce heightened estrogen levels in the breast tissue.
Anti-aromatase drugs will not be effective in combating high estrogen levels during this cycle because Anadrol (unlike testosterone) does not aromatize.
Instead, Anadrol targets the estrogen receptors directly.
4. Anadrol and Winstrol
We have seen this stack used as a bulking or cutting cycle.
Winstrol will increase lean muscle gains while drying users out and enhancing fat burning.
This initially seems like a strange stack because:
- Winstrol is a cutting steroid
- Winstrol dries the body out, whereas Anadrol often causes significant amounts of water retention.
However, when Anadrol isn’t used in conjunction with a high-calorie diet (with lots of sodium), water retention is minimal. If calories and sodium are low, users often report no additional water retention at all; hence, various men’s physique competitors cycle Anadrol before a show, making their muscles appear as full as possible.
Therefore, if your diet accommodates Anadrol in a way that doesn’t cause any fluid retention (low calories or low sodium), the body can remain relatively dry while packing on large amounts of muscle.
The only problem with this cycle is that it will be very harsh on the body.
Our LFTs (liver function tests) clearly show Winstrol and Anadrol to be hepatotoxic steroids. These are also very suppressive compounds in regards to testosterone and will have a deleterious effect on the heart, with elevated LDL and reduced HDL cholesterol scores.
In our experience, this is possibly one of the worst cycles for a bodybuilder when weighing up the pros and cons. This is because Winstrol won’t make a tremendous difference, yet it will exacerbate the side effects of Anadrol significantly.
However, it remains a common cycle among bodybuilders who favor orals vs injectables.
Legal Anadrol Alternative
Anadrole is our #1 rated legal Anadrol product. It replicates the muscle-building and strength-enhancing effects of Anadrol, but without the unwanted side effects.
It is FDA-approved and can be purchased online without a prescription.
Anadrole is best suited for men wanting to build significant amounts of muscle; without shutting down their testosterone, straining their liver or elevating blood pressure levels.
5. Anadrol and Dianabol
These are two of the best bulking steroids on the planet combined in one single cycle.
This cycle will produce the most weight gain and size of any two steroids. We have seen this stack blow users’ muscles up to the point where they are afraid to perform supersets during their workouts.
Bodybuilders may lose some size post-cycle from this stack, which can be attributed to expelled intracellular water retention.
We have found this to be one of the worst cycles for the liver, with both of these steroids being orals (and thus C-17 alkylated compounds). Therefore, if your liver is not in excellent condition, do not perform this cycle.
However, there is research to suggest that Anadrol’s effects on the liver are not as detrimental as the bodybuilding community suggests. Furthermore, the liver can be abused and still recover, compared to other organs. The key with steroids and the liver is to not take lengthy cycles and to give it enough rest to regenerate post-cycle.
For those interested in this cycle, they should supplement with TUDCA (tauroursodeoxycholic acid), with doses of 500 mg per day, for up to 3 months. We have found this to be very effective at reducing liver damage (2).
TUDCA should be taken during and after cycles to offer as much protection to the liver as possible. Also, alcohol should be strictly avoided.
Conservative dosages have been used in this sample cycle, with the risk of liver strain (and other side effects) in mind. Our patients find regular cardiovascular exercise helps to minimize large increases in blood pressure. Blood pressure should be monitored regularly throughout this cycle, as high amounts of water retention and cholesterol shifts are inevitable.
6. Anadrol, Trenbolone and Testosterone
This trio of steroids stacked together will surely give users the best gains of their lives; however, it will also produce very harsh side effects and thus should be used very sparingly (if at all).
Rich Piana stated that this was the best cycle he had ever taken.
The main problems we find with this cycle are: extreme testosterone suppression, very high elevations in blood pressure, gynecomastia risk, and considerable hair thinning or loss on the scalp. There will also be some liver toxicity; however, with the presence of two injectable steroids (testosterone and trenbolone), it will be less hepatotoxic than the Dianabol/Anadrol cycle.
Anadrol/trenbolone is another common and powerful steroid cycle that can be taken together, like Anadrol and testosterone.
Female Dosages
There is ample research to suggest that Anadrol is actually one of the best steroids for women, especially for those who want to avoid virilization. However, many people believe the opposite to be true and that women should stay away from Anadrol.
In clinical research, when women take megadoses of Anadrol for extremely long periods of time, masculinization does not occur.
In a study, Anadrol doses of 100–150 mg/day were taken for 30 weeks, and no virilization effects were seen in any of the female subjects (3). Anecdotally, we have also found this to be true.
It is commonly believed that because Anadrol produces harsh side effects in men (some of which are androgenic), it will also cause the same masculine effects in women. However, in practical settings, it does not (4).
The reason for this may be due to Anadrol simultaneously increasing estrogen levels while failing to bind strongly to SHBG (sex hormone-binding globulin). We know that high SHBG levels in women are notorious for causing masculine side effects.
Women may cycle Anadrol alone or in conjunction with Anavar, for further muscle gains (and fat loss).
Anavar is another female-friendly steroid that is safe for minimizing the risk of virilization when taken in short cycles.
Anadrol-Only Cycle (Women)
This cycle contains cautious doses of Anadrol, despite research indicating higher doses could possibly be taken without any further risk of virilization.
However, these doses are sufficient for significant muscle and strength gains. This is also a brief cycle in comparison to those conducted in studies.
If women have taken Anavar or Anadrol alone in cycles before and would like to build even more muscle, they can stack both compounds together.
Conservative doses are used for each of these steroids in a 6-week cycle. Anavar doesn’t want to be taken beyond this point, as we have seen masculinization occur in women running excessively long cycles.
How to Take Anadrol
Anadrol typically comes in 50 mg pills. To maintain optimal levels of oxymetholone in your bloodstream, it is advised to take two doses throughout the day (instead of one).
- Therefore, if you are taking 100 mg per day, you can simply take 2 pills.
- For a total dose of 50 mg per day, you can use a pill cutter to split the pills in half.
- For a total dose of 75 mg per day, the best practice would be to take 3 x 25 mg pills.
Important: Anadrol pills should be taken on an empty stomach. This is because the tablets are fat-soluble (like other anabolic steroids). Thus, taking it with foods containing dietary fat will reduce Anadrol’s bioavailability.
There is evidence to suggest the opposite is true when taking Anadrol with grapefruit juice, which we have seen increase its bioavailability due to the fruit inhibiting CYP3A4 (5). CYP3A4 is an enzyme in the liver that significantly reduces the absorption of many drugs (including anabolic steroids).
Therefore, if you do take Anadrol with grapefruit juice, be wary of overdosing as a result of increased absorption.
Post-Cycle Therapy
Our patients will typically run a PCT post-Anadrol cycle to accelerate the restoration of endogenous testosterone production.
Well-being, sexual health, and results tend to suffer post-cycle; however, an effective PCT helps to reverse these adverse effects.
The three PCT medications we have found to be effective are:
- Clomid
- Nolvadex
- hCG
All of these drugs will increase natural testosterone levels significantly (6, 7, 8).
If a user is shut down severely, it is recommended to take all three of these medications simultaneously. If someone has just taken Anadrol in moderate doses, they may only take one or two of these drugs.
Here is the most potent PCT protocol in our experience:
- hCG every second day (for 20 days), taking 2000 IU
- Nolvadex every day (for 45 days), taking 2 x 20 mg doses
- Clomid every day (for 30 days), taking 2 x 50 mg doses
Anadrol Transformation
This transformation was from a bodybuilder who was previously natural (left) and then took Anadrol (right). He stacked Anadrol with Deca Durabolin and, after several cycles, gained a significant amount of size and mass.
Such a combination has the ability to add up to 40 pounds to the scales. This number is likely to increase further with the addition of other steroids.
Anadrol is not the best steroid for maintaining a tight and tiny waist, especially when bulking on more calories. However, if the goal is to pack on as much mass as possible, we have seen it work wonders.
If you have a high body fat percentage, it might be worth cutting first or taking other steroids over Anadrol due to the excessive bulking and puffiness that Anadrol can cause.
The heart will also be more protected when a lean person takes Anadrol, compared to someone who is overweight.
Is Anadrol Dangerous?
Doctors have successfully prescribed Anadrol (oxymetholone) for cachexia for a protracted period of time. However, it is important to note that therapeutic doses are often notably lower than those utilized by bodybuilders today.
Also, even when used in a medical environment with expert supervision, there are still possible risks and adverse effects.
Thus, Anadrol cannot be considered 100% safe when used in bodybuilding doses. However, if taken in the short term by healthy individuals in small to moderate doses, we have seen positive effects without excessive damage, especially when taking liver and cholesterol support.
The risk of long-term damage to the body notably increases the longer Anadrol is taken and the more cycles a user utilizes.
Any of these Anadrol cycles will produce exceptional gains in muscular strength and size. Anadrol is one of the most powerful and toxic steroids you can take, which is why users need to be cautious while cycling it.
Beginners should ideally stay away from it until they have first used testosterone.
Intermediates can take Anadrol in moderate doses, and experienced users may even stack it with other powerful compounds (with caution).
The five most powerful Anadrol stacks are:
- Anadrol/testosterone
- Anadrol/trenbolone
- Anadrol/Winstrol
- Anadrol/Deca Durabolin
- Anadrol/Dianabol
However, any steroid stacked with Anadrol is going to produce better results than taking it alone.
The stacks seen on this page are not the only compounds you can cycle with oxymetholone. There are other effective compounds, such as Anavar, a commonly used cutting steroid, that can be combined with Anadrol. However, with it being oral and having mild effects, it is less commonly utilized.
Post-cycle therapy should always be incorporated for mental and physical recovery.
Always consult a doctor before taking any steroids or medicines discussed in this article, and be sure to get regular health checkups.
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