Anavar Cycle: How to Maximize Gains and FAQs

Dr George TouliatosDisclaimer: The following article is for educational purposes only and does not promote the use of illegal steroids. If you have any questions or concerns, Dr. Touliatos is currently available for consultation.

Anavar, or oxandrolone, is one of the most commonly used anabolic steroids, with both men and women cycling it. Some bodybuilders utilize Anavar all year round, similar to testosterone replacement therapy (TRT).

Many anabolic steroids are taken solely by men. However, Anavar is the exception, commonly utilized by women. Numerous strongmen and powerlifters also use Anavar because of its beneficial effects on strength.

Anavar’s benefits are well-known, with it having the ability to increase lean muscle mass while decreasing a person’s body fat percentage simultaneously.

People often refer to Anavar as one of the “safest anabolic steroids” available. Despite its benign nature, Anavar should not be considered safe as it still induces cardiac, renal, and hepatic toxicity.

Anavar does not typically produce harsh side effects, hence why women and children have taken this steroid with success in research trials for medicinal purposes.

This article aims to clarify the standard doses used by novice, intermediate, and experienced bodybuilders throughout an Anavar cycle, along with strategies to mitigate adverse effects during and post-supplementation.

Disclosure: We do not accept any form of advertising on Inside Bodybuilding. We monetize our practice via doctor consultations and carefully chosen pharmaceutical recommendations, which have given our patients excellent results.

Approved Anavar Source


We have found Anavar to be an effective medicinal treatment for osteoporosis and cachexia. Thus, if you have a medical need for oxandrolone, Prestige Pharmaceuticals is our recommended source.

Shipping typically takes 2–6 days to arrive, depending on your country of residence.

Anavar is a banned substance in some nations yet acceptable in others; thus, we encourage ethical and legal use.

Inside Bodybuilding does not approve of the illegal use of AAS, including Anavar.

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Anavar-Only Cycle

An Anavar-only cycle is an efficacious protocol, often practiced by novices and intermediates throughout a cutting phase. An Anavar-only cycle will enhance fat burning while adding moderate amounts of muscle mass.

Based on our observations, women generally engage in Anavar-only cycles, whereas males with prior steroid use are more inclined to combine Anavar with other substances.

An Anavar-only cycle is an optimal regimen for novices because of its mild nature. Such a cycle minimizes the risk of severe adverse effects in first-time users.

Several of our patients have expressed apprehension over the usage of anabolic steroids due to their detrimental side effects. Yet, they often feel at ease performing an Anavar cycle due to the steroid’s less toxic characteristics.

Anavar-Only Cycle for Beginners

For Men

Week Anavar
1 15 mg/day
2 15 mg/day
3 15 mg/day
4 20 mg/day
5 20 mg/day
6 20 mg/day

This is a typical Anavar-only cycle for novices and is a mild cycle for a first-time steroid user. The follow-up cycle to this may begin with a dose of 20 mg instead of 15 mg and may be extended up to 8 weeks.

anavar only cycle results men

These are standard results from an Anavar-only cycle.

For Women

Week Anavar
1 5 mg/day
2 10 mg/day
3 10 mg/day
4 10 mg/day
5 10 mg/day

This Anavar cycle is common among women who are beginners. It is essential for females to be cautious in regard to the dose and cycle length to avoid masculinization effects occurring.

We have found Anavar to be one of the least destructive steroids for women, with it posing a low risk of virilization side effects. These side effects include hair growth, clitoral enlargement, and smaller breasts. Such side effects, although uncommon, are still possible on Anavar in supraphysiological doses.

When adopting a dosage of 10 mg/day for 5 weeks, the risk of developing masculinizing side effects is low due to the modest dose and brief cycle duration. We typically observe virilization side effects gradually occur and exacerbate over a sustained period of time. A woman should discontinue her cycle if she begins to experience any unwanted symptoms.

anavar results in women

These are typical results for a woman utilizing an Anavar-only cycle.

Anavar and Testosterone

This cycle is typically only utilized by men due to testosterone causing virilization side effects in women.

If there is an anabolic steroid, other than Anavar, that is the least toxic for beginners, it would be testosterone. Testosterone is the most optimal steroid we have found in terms of risk versus reward. Testosterone will produce significant increases in muscle hypertrophy and strength, hence why it is referred to as a bulking steroid.

Our lipid profiles indicate that testosterone does not cause significant cardiotoxicity in conservative doses, contrary to other anabolic steroids. Furthermore, testosterone is not particularly hepatotoxic, with it being an injectable steroid. Hepatic and cardiac health are the two main concerns we have when someone is using anabolic steroids.

In regard to side effects, testosterone suppression will be severe when stacking Anavar with testosterone. Equally, cholesterol levels will rise slightly higher compared to taking either Anavar or testosterone by itself. We have also found androgenic side effects to be more prevalent with this duo, such as:

  1. Seborrhea (oily skin)
  2. Acne vulgaris
  3. Male pattern baldness

The different types of injectable testosterone are:

  • Testosterone suspension
  • Testosterone cypionate
  • Testosterone enanthate
  • Testosterone acetate
  • Testosterone propionate
  • Sustanon 250

These various forms of testosterone possess distinct esters, which determine their absorption rate and duration of presence in the body. The standard forms of testosterone are enanthate and cypionate, attributed to their affordability and ease of administration.

Anavar and Testosterone for Novices

This cycle is often utilized by bodybuilders following an Anavar-only cycle.

Week Testosterone Anavar
1 200 mg/week 15 mg/day
2 200 mg/week 15 mg/day
3 300 mg/week 15 mg/day
4 300 mg/week 20 mg/day
5 300 mg/week 20 mg/day
6 350 mg/week 20 mg/day
7 350 mg/week

This stack will significantly enhance muscle-building and strength results compared to an Anavar-only cycle. These are conservative doses and thus administered by users with limited anabolic steroid experience. Nonetheless, this regimen is suboptimal for individuals who have never previously used steroids. In this instance, a testosterone-only or Anavar-only cycle poses less toxicity.

Anavar and Testosterone for Intermediates

Week Testosterone Anavar
1 200 mg/week 20 mg/day
2 400 mg/week 20 mg/day
3 400 mg/week 20 mg/day
4 400 mg/week 20 mg/day
5 400 mg/week 20 mg/day
6 500 mg/week 20 mg/day
7 500 mg/week
8 500 mg/week
9 500 mg/week
10 200 mg/week

This is a common follow-up cycle to the first Anavar and testosterone cycle listed.

We find that intermediates who have previously administered Anavar or testosterone individually during single cycles eventually utilize this stack.

Consuming higher doses than those specified in this cycle significantly increases the risk of side effects without yielding any notable additional results.

Legal Steroid Alternatives That Work

before after picture

Crazy Bulk is our recommended source for legal steroid alternatives due to their high product efficacy and thousands of high-scoring reviews on Trustpilot and Feefo.

Dr. Thomas O'Connor, our AAS expert, encourages the utilization of steroid alternatives and says they would be better than taking anabolic steroids.

Crazy Bulk's products are safe and do not cause any side effects in men or women, with their formulas being FDA-approved.

legal steroids

Anavar and Andriol Cycle

Some individuals may prefer an oral cycle of Anavar and testosterone.

Andriol is the brand name for oral testosterone, also known as testosterone undecanoate. The drawback to oral testosterone is that it is notably more expensive than injectable testosterone. With Anavar also being a costly compound, this cycle can cost hundreds of dollars.

Generally, anabolic steroids are hepatotoxic, as indicated by our liver function tests. However, Andriol is an exception. Andriol does not cause any notable hepatic strain, based on long-term research. A 10-year study of men utilizing Andriol observed no notable increase in alanine transaminase (ALT) and aspartate aminotransferase (AST) levels. These findings also align with our anecdotal data.

Also, the kidneys aid in metabolizing Anavar, increasing nephrotoxicity and decreasing hepatotoxicity.

Week Andriol Anavar
1 240 mg/day 20 mg/day
2 240 mg/day 20 mg/day
3 240 mg/day 20 mg/day
4 240 mg/day 20 mg/day
5 280 mg/day 20 mg/day
6 280 mg/day 20 mg/day
7 280 mg/day 20 mg/day
8 280 mg/day 20 mg/day

Some users combine Andriol, or testosterone undecanoate, supplementation with a high-fat snack or meal. Users should aim for at least 20 grams of dietary fat with each dose. Research has shown that the biological availability of oral testosterone is approximately 50% lower when taken on an empty stomach (1).

Anavar and Winstrol

For Men

Week Winstrol Anavar
1 20 mg/day 15 mg/day
2 20 mg/day 15 mg/day
3 25 mg/day 15 mg/day
4 25 mg/day 20 mg/day
5 25 mg/day 20 mg/day
6 25 mg/day 20 mg/day

Testosterone and Anavar is a potent cutting cycle. Users can expect:

  1. Exceptional fat loss
  2. Significant muscle hypertrophy

Anavar and Winstrol possess many similarities, with both promoting a lean, hard, and vascular physique. Both are also oral steroids that enhance fat burning when cutting. We have found Winstrol to be the more potent of the two steroids. Therefore, it is particularly unsuitable for beginners due to its high toxicity. Thus, an Anavar and Winstrol cycle is often utilized by intermediate or advanced steroid users.

With the addition of Winstrol, users can expect Anavar’s usual mild side effects with more pronounced:

  • Liver toxicity
  • Testosterone suppression
  • Cardiovascular strain

Due to the harshness of Winstrol, this cycle only lasts 6 weeks, with advanced users often extending the duration to 8 weeks.

We commonly observe this type of cutting stack when bodybuilders are preparing for a competition, aggressively attempting to reduce body fat and preserve muscle tissue.

For Women

Week Winstrol Anavar
1 5 mg/day 5 mg/day
2 5 mg/day 10 mg/day
3 5 mg/day 10 mg/day
4 5 mg/day 10 mg/day
5 5 mg/day 10 mg/day
6 5 mg/day 10 mg/day

Winstrol is not generally advised for women because of its high tendency to cause masculinization.

However, with very cautious doses (5 mg), it is possible to avoid virilizing side effects.

Despite a modest dose, we find Winstrol still produces significant results due to the potency of the compound.

The above cycle presents high toxicity for female beginners. Instead, it is more frequently utilized by women who have completed several steroid cycles or, at a minimum, have taken Anavar previously.

We have found the risk of virilization to increase when stacking Anavar and Winstrol together. Thus, we only see this attempted in certain circumstances, such as preparing for an important competition where there is pressure to place high. However, if women are merely attempting to achieve excellent body composition, Anavar alone is often sufficient.

Anavar and Clenbuterol

Clenbuterol is a beta-2 antagonist and has been utilized in medicine as an anti-asthma drug. Clenbuterol is a powerful addition to any cutting cycle due to its stimulating effects on metabolism.

Clenbuterol has profound effects on the central nervous system, causing the body to raise adrenaline production. Consequently, body temperature increases, and users enter a state of thermogenesis, effectively accelerating fat loss at rest.

Clenbuterol has also been shown to exhibit potent anabolic effects in animals. However, anecdotally, we do not see the same muscle-building properties in humans. Thus, an Anavar and clenbuterol cycle will likely enhance fat loss while moderately increasing muscle hypertrophy and strength.

Due to the stimulative effects of clenbuterol, energy and motivation levels are likely to increase.

Clenbuterol, like Anavar, is available in tablet form. Considering that clenbuterol is not classified as an anabolic steroid, the following side effects are not an issue:

  • Gynecomastia
  • Liver toxicity
  • Acne vulgaris
  • Water retention
  • Endogenous testosterone suppression

The main concern we have with clenbuterol is cardiotoxicity, with it increasing a user’s heart rate significantly. Thus, individuals should especially avoid clenbuterol if their cardiovascular health is suboptimal.

Anavar and Clenbuterol for Men

As detailed below, clenbuterol is cycled in increments. Thus, bodybuilders will slowly increase the dose every few days until achieving a maximum dose. It is structured this way for a couple of reasons.

Firstly, a person can gauge their sensitivity to clenbuterol by starting on a low dose and increasing it steadily.

Starting on a high dose prematurely may result in harsh side effects such as:

  • Tremors
  • Insomnia
  • Tachycardia

Furthermore, we find users build a tolerance to clenbuterol rapidly. Thus, an incremental dosing strategy can enhance fat loss throughout the cycle.

For harm reduction purposes, a clenbuterol cycle should not persist beyond 6 weeks. After this time, the body’s temperature normalizes, signifying a halt in thermogenesis and thus fat loss.

The Anavar dose of 20 mg/day is maintained for 8 weeks. This dose is commonly adopted by individuals who have previously taken Anavar or other anabolic steroids.

Days Clenbuterol Anavar
1-3 20 mcg 20 mg
4-6 30 mcg 20 mg
7-9 40 mcg 20 mg
10-12 50 mcg 20 mg
13-15 60 mcg 20 mg
16-18 70 mcg 20 mg
19-21 80 mcg 20 mg
22-24 90 mcg 20 mg
25-27 100 mcg 20 mg
28-30 110 mcg 20 mg
31-37 20 mg
38-44 20 mg
45-51 20 mg
52-60 20 mg


Anavar and Clenbuterol for Women

Clenbuterol does not produce virilization side effects in women. In contrast to anabolic steroids, a woman’s dose of clenbuterol is typically similar to a man’s.

Women produce a fraction of testosterone compared to men. Consequently, a reduced dosage of anabolic steroids effectively replicates the same degree of effects in women as in males.

In clenbuterol’s case, because it does not affect the hypothalamic-pituitary-testicular axis (HPTA) but instead the central nervous system, women often take a similar dose to men.

The Anavar dose below reflects a cautious dose for women and is typically taken by novices. A higher dose of Anavar is more common among more experienced users, commencing at 10 mg per day.

Days Clenbuterol Anavar
1-3 20 mcg 5 mg
4-6 30 mcg 5 mg
7-9 40 mcg 10 mg
10-12 50 mcg 10 mg
13-15 60 mcg 10 mg
16-18 70 mcg 10 mg
19-21 80 mcg 10 mg
22-24 90 mcg 10 mg
25-27 100 mcg 10 mg
28-30 110 mcg 10 mg


After Cycle Care

Anavar is a mild steroid; therefore, implementing post-cycle therapy (PCT) is not as imperative for users compared to an Anadrol-only cycle. The latter steroid is considerably more detrimental to the HPTA, and thus an aggressive PCT protocol is advised to shorten endogenous testosterone recovery. Failing to do so may result in a hypogonadal state lasting for several months.

In our experience, moderate Anavar doses do not completely shut down endogenous testosterone. Instead, testosterone levels become suppressed and take several weeks to recover back to standard levels. We have found post-cycle therapy to significantly accelerate this process.

During this time of recovery, users may experience:

  1. Tiredness
  2. Decreased well-being
  3. Decreased libido

These aftereffects impact both men and women. This is because anabolic steroids also affect a woman’s hormones greatly, with their endogenous testosterone levels declining.

Although women have a fraction of testosterone compared to men, it remains an important hormone in their body chemistry.

Women at our clinic often report a mild downturn in energy, libido, and fatigue following an Anavar cycle. Aggressive post-cycle therapy is typically not required after an Anavar-only cycle. Thus, we have experienced success with men taking a mild protocol of either Nolvadex or Clomid to aid HPTA recovery. In this instance:

  • Nolvadex is dosed at 40 mg per day for 45 days (2 x 20 mg pills taken daily).
  • Clomid is dosed at 100 mg per day for 30 days (2 x 50 mg pills taken daily).

Users should initiate their PCT approximately 57 hours after the last dose of Anavar. This is the estimated time that Anavar will completely exit the body.

You can calculate the full clearance time of a compound by using the following equation: 5.5 times the half-life. Anavar’s half-life is 9.4–10.4 hours.

Liver Support on Anavar

Individuals seeking maximum hepatic protection on Anavar may take tauroursodeoxycholic acid (TUDCA) to reduce oxidative stress to the organ. Clinical research has shown TUDCA to significantly lower ALT and AST liver values (2).

A liver support supplement is crucial when stacking Anavar with other hepatotoxic orals, such as Winstrol, Anadrol, or Dianabol. However, such combinations are not advised.

Anavar and Alcohol

Alcohol generally should be avoided when utilizing oral anabolic steroids, as it will exacerbate liver values. However, for most users with normal functioning livers, small amounts of alcohol are likely to be tolerable.

We have seen patients consume high amounts of alcohol during oral cycles, and their ALT and AST levels only increased marginally above baseline. However, there are other patients who did not drink alcohol and experienced hepatic peliosis. Thus, it is important to monitor ALT and AST levels during Anavar cycles.

Alcohol increases cortisol, a catabolic hormone that will blunt some of Anavar’s fat-burning and anabolic effects.

If individuals notice their skin or eyes transition to a yellow color and experience pain or discomfort in the abdominal region, they should immediately cease Anavar supplementation and visit their doctor.

Purchasing Anavar

Anavar is illegal to purchase for bodybuilding purposes due to the Anabolic Steroids Control Act of 1990 (3). Therefore, bodybuilders acquire Anavar from the black market.

In practice, this entails purchasing from a website that purports to sell Anavar or from an individual who deals with pharmaceuticals.

oxandrolone anavar
Nevertheless, the acquisition of anabolic steroids from the black market is a prohibited activity that entails numerous additional drawbacks. These include Anavar supplements being counterfeited, underdosed, or contaminated with dangerous substances (4).

Consequently, some bodybuilders opt for legal Anavar alternatives, such as Anvarol, which mimics Anavar’s fat-burning and anabolic effects. We have not observed Anvarol to cause any side effects. Therefore, users will not experience testosterone suppression, raised cholesterol levels, or further adverse effects associated with Anavar (5).

Anvarol is FDA-approved and available to order online without a prescription. Anvarol is also considerably lower in price, with Anavar proving costly to cycle. The main drawback to Anavarol is that it is likely to be less effective than oxandrolone.

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