Anvarol Before and After Pictures (Male and Female Results)

Dr George TouliatosDisclaimer: The following article is for educational purposes only and does not promote the use of illegal steroids. If you have any questions or concerns, Dr. Touliatos is currently available for consultation.

Anvarol is an Anavar alternative formulated by Crazy Bulk, a leading manufacturer of legal steroid alternatives.

Anvarol is an FDA-approved oral pill containing natural ingredients that mimic the same anabolic and fat-burning effects as Anavar.

Anavar is well-known for its simultaneous muscle-building, strength-enhancing, and fat-burning properties (1, 2, 3).

However, we have also found Anavar to be hepatotoxic and harmful to endogenous testosterone levels and low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol (4).

Furthermore, Anavar is illegal, and thus bodybuilders must purchase it from the black market, which poses various risks, especially due to Anavar’s very high market price. Consequently, many dealers are sneakily decreasing the purity of Anavar in a bid to increase their profit margin. This effectively leads to users taking considerably lower dosages (unaware) and experiencing fewer results.

Dealers can also substitute Anavar, deceptively replacing it with a significantly cheaper compound to produce, such as Dianabol.

These are just some reasons why bodybuilders are now seeking an Anavar alternative.

But is Anvarol really effective? And how does it compare to true Anavar? See the before and after pictures below and decide for yourself.

These transformations were taken from the official Crazy Bulk website and various forums.

Anvarol Before and After (Male)

anvarol before and after

John M. used Crazy Bulk’s cutting stack for 8 weeks, helping him lose approximately 5% of body fat. We have found this to be the same amount of body fat a beginner bodybuilder loses during their first Anavar cycle.

Crazy Bulk’s cutting stack includes:

  1. Anvarol (Anavar)
  2. Clenbutrol (Clenbuterol)
  3. Testo-Max (Sustanon 250)
  4. Winsol (Winstrol)

It is important to note that John’s results weren’t purely from Anvarol, as other legal steroid alternatives were taken in conjunction. Thus, we don’t know purely how much of his gains were solely from Anvarol.

When stacking multiple compounds together, a user’s results typically increase due to greater levels of protein synthesis and thermogenesis.

In this stack, Clenbutrol will elevate a person’s metabolism, effectively increasing their calorie expenditure each day at rest. Thus, it is purely taken as a fat burner with no anabolic properties.

Anvarol, Winsol, and Testo-Max are formulated to build muscle and burn fat simultaneously. Thus, when users are cutting on fewer calories, because of these compounds’ anabolic nature, they are more likely to retain their strength and muscle mass.

Anvarol Before and After (Female)

Giovan took Anvarol and HGH-x2, enabling her to lose 3% of body fat while simultaneously building lean muscle.

Giovan does not specify how long she used Anvarol and HGH-x2; however, it is likely to be multiple cycles.

Her BMI actually increased by 1.6, despite losing notable amounts of subcutaneous fat. Thus, taking before and after photos is a more reliable way to track progress than using BMI readings or scales. This is due to Anvarol building muscle and burning fat simultaneously (like Anavar).

Giovan also experienced impressive strength gains on Anvarol and HGH-x2, as she states it was a struggle to squat 60 lbs at the beginning of her first cycle. However, she can now effortlessly lift 150 pounds without exertion.

Anvarol Before and After (Male)

Stack before and after

Prior to this before-and-after photo, Cole had previously bulked up, gaining 25 pounds after taking Testo-Max, Trenorol, and Winsol.

However, the above before and after picture shows his cutting transformation after using:

  • Testo-Max
  • Anvarol
  • Winsol
  • Trenorol
  • Anadrol
  • Gynectrol

He has lost a significant amount of fat, built muscle, and lost his man boobs.

Again, the timespan of this transformation is unknown, and the impact of Anvarol alone is impossible to measure. However, it is clear that Anvarol, stacked with other cutting agents from Crazy Bulk, is producing impressive transformations.

Disclosure: We do not accept any form of advertising on Inside Bodybuilding. We monetize our practice via doctor consultations and carefully chosen supplement recommendations, which have given our patients excellent results.

Legal Anavar Alternative


Anvarol is our #1-rated legal Anavar product. It replicates the fat-burning and muscle-building effects of Anavar, but without any unwanted side effects.

It is FDA-approved and can be purchased online without a prescription.

Anvarol is best suited for men or women who want to reduce their body fat percentage while simultaneously increasing muscle tone and building lean muscle.

Anvarol Before and After (Male)

william before and after

William lost 17 pounds in 30 days after taking Crazy Bulk’s cutting stack (including Anvarol) and HGH-x2.

William reduced his waist by 5 cm, significantly increasing the definition of his midsection.

HGH-x2 is another powerful fat-burning compound that complements Anvarol’s effects when cutting due to its lipolytic properties.

Anavar Comparison

For comparison’s sake, below are some before and after pictures of people who have taken real Anavar.

anavar before after

The above user had already taken anabolic steroids before, so his muscle gains weren’t dramatic. However, notable fat loss and improvements in muscle definition are evident, as well as fuller and more pumped muscles.

anavar for women

This woman took 10 mg/day of Anavar for 5 weeks, resulting in a 4% reduction in body fat while gaining 2 kg in weight. After accounting for the fat loss, she is estimated to have gained around 5 kg of lean muscle.

Anvarol vs. Anavar

Readers should be skeptical when looking at before and after photos hosted on a supplement company’s website. However, Crazy Bulk has received thousands of positive reviews on Trustpilot and Feefo, so it’s reasonable to assume the before and after photos are legitimate, especially as they are realistic.

In terms of effectiveness, it is fair to assume that Anvarol won’t be as powerful as Anavar, considering it isn’t exogenous testosterone. However, the before and after photos are actually comparable to Anavar, demonstrating similar amounts of fat loss and muscle gain (based on our experience overseeing bodybuilders on AAS).

Anvarol Pros

anvarol bottle
Anvarol is FDA-approved and safe for men and women to take all year, as it doesn’t damage the HPTA (hypothalamic pituitary testicular axis) and suppresses natural testosterone levels.

Anavar, however, does need to be cycled, with our patients typically experiencing low testosterone levels post-cycle (typically taking several weeks to recover).

Thus, even if Anvarol is slightly less effective than Anavar because it is safer and can be cycled for longer periods without having to come off, the end result may indeed be the same.

Equally, women don’t need to worry about masculinization occurring on Anvarol, which we see occur on high doses of Anavar at our clinic. This usually involves clitoral enlargement, irregular periods, a deepened voice, and hair growth on the body.

Anavar is FDA-approved for medicinal purposes, but it is illegal to purchase for cosmetic purposes (without a prescription from a doctor). Anvarol is 100% legal.

Anvarol is not hepatotoxic and does not affect cholesterol levels; thus, there is no risk of this compound causing high blood pressure or liver damage. Anavar, however, does cause both of these side effects, based on our patients’ labs, increasing the risk of myocardial infarction and hepatic injury.

Anvarol can be safely stacked with other steroid alternatives from Crazy Bulk to enhance results without any side effects.

Anavar, too, can be stacked with other anabolic steroids; however, doing so will exacerbate side effects, resulting in additional toxicity.

Anvarol is more affordable, retailing at $54.99 for 1 month’s worth of dosing. This can also work out cheaper if someone orders three bottles and thus gets the third one free.

In comparison, Anavar is very expensive on the black market, typically costing a few hundred dollars (at least) to run a 6-week cycle.

Anvarol Cons

Users will most likely need to work harder on Anvarol in regards to the consistency of their diet and the intensity of their workouts in order to match the results of Anavar.

Also, Anvarol users may not experience the same degree of muscle fullness or huge pumps as with Anavar, with the latter having superior glycogen-storing properties.

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