Trenbolone: Anxiety, Depression, Cardiovascular Effects, and More

Dr George TouliatosDisclaimer: The following article is for educational purposes only and does not promote the use of illegal steroids. If you have any questions or concerns, Dr. Touliatos is currently available for consultation.

Trenbolone is an anabolic steroid used by intermediate and advanced bodybuilders to build lean muscle and burn fat. It is also utilized by powerlifters and strongmen to enhance their strength.

Its anabolic and lipolytic properties are unquestionable, with it being the most powerful anabolic for transforming a user’s body composition as fast as possible.

Below, we list all of the common trenbolone side effects we have come across after analysing hundreds of bodybuilders who have cycled trenbolone, giving individuals insight into how safe or harmful this compound is.


Trenbolone’s effects on cholesterol are not to be underestimated, with it causing a sharp rise in LDL and a notable reduction in HDL levels. This in turn will cause a significant rise in blood pressure, increasing the risk of myocardial infarction.

In our experience, it is common for trenbolone users to be hypertensive (>140/90 mmHg) during a cycle. We have seen users admitted to the hospital due to an elevated heart rate and palpitations; however, this can be attributed somewhat to anxiety due to trenbolone being a stimulant.

However, we have had someone experience a cardiac arrest from a stack including trenbolone, although this person was genetically predisposed to left ventricular hypertrophy and taking excessive doses (700 mg/week of trenbolone acetate).

Patients suffering from high blood pressure can implement regular cardiovascular exercise (30 minutes of moderate intensity, 3 to 4 times per week) to increase vasodilation. They can also transition to a ketogenic diet to lower their blood sugar (1), as well as take 4 grams of fish oil per day to improve their cholesterol ratios. We have been able to get hypertensive users into a normal blood pressure range by making these three alterations.

In terms of trenbolone’s impact vs. other anabolic steroids, we have found it to be one of the most devastating on blood lipids, alongside Anadrol and Superdrol. It is the most cardiotoxic injectable anabolic steroid we have come across.

Trenbolone and Cardiovascular Exercise

In our experience, trenbolone often worsens cardiovascular performance due to notable elevations in blood pressure. Because blood flow to the heart and working muscles is impaired, it can cause users to become out of breath more easily, even during daily tasks such as walking up the stairs.

If blood pressure did not rise excessively on trenbolone, cardiovascular performance would notably improve, as it increases red blood cell production and does not cause excessive weight gain.

Anxiety and Depression

Based on our patient’s anecdotal reports, trenbolone can cause an increase in emotions, from intense paranoia to feelings of insecurity, being easily irritated, rage, and higher levels of aggression.

We have had a user report suicidal feelings on trenbolone, which subsided when coming off cycle.

Thus, if a person is anxious, prone to depression, or has suicidal tendencies, trenbolone could be considered a detrimental and potentially dangerous anabolic steroid, as it may exacerbate these symptoms.

Such negative emotions may be counteracted by sedating the central nervous system, either through supplementation or diet changes.

Melatonin supplementation may help to reduce excessive adrenaline and cortisol on trenbolone, increasing a user’s well-being.

Foods rich in l-tryptophan may also cause a sedative effect, helping to regulate emotions on trenbolone. Therefore, increasing your intake of the following foods may prove beneficial:

  • Turkey
  • Chicken
  • Milk
  • Eggs
  • Salmon


Trenbolone significantly stimulates the CNS (central nervous system), causing insomnia in some individuals, especially with doses occurring in the evening. This is not a particularly dangerous side effect; however, if sleep quantity or quality is affected, this can negatively alter the immune system (3).

This adverse effect is typically experienced during the initial stage of a cycle and subsides as the central nervous system adapts. However, in some individuals, insomnia may persist throughout the entire cycle.

Liver Toxicity

Some are mistaken for believing trenbolone is not hepatotoxic because it is an injectable. However, this is incorrect, as the liver still plays a role in clearing trenbolone out of the body. Thus, we have seen AST and ALT enzymes rise to different degrees on injectable trenbolone. The extent of which varied depending on the person; however, such elevations were not to the same extent as oral anabolic steroids such as Winstrol, Anadrol, or Dianabol.

500 mg/day of TUDCA can be taken if liver markers are high during a trenbolone cycle. Intermittent fasting can also help alleviate hepatic strain while increasing fat burning (2).


Trenbolone can be taxing on the kidneys due to notable elevations in blood pressure coupled with its diuretic effects, making users more susceptible to dehydration.

Thus, it is important for users to drink ample amounts of water on trenbolone (>2 liters a day) to maintain optimal renal health while limiting sodium intake (<2,300 mg/day).

Testosterone Suppression

Trenbolone is one of the most suppressive anabolic steroids we have come across.

Typically, users will be hypogonodal following a trenbolone cycle (<300 nanograms/dL) and will thus require post-cycle therapy.

Nolvadex and/or Clomid are effective PCT medications that can restore endogenous testosterone levels in a matter of weeks. Low testosterone levels are not as dangerous in the short term compared to high cholesterol; however, sustained low testosterone can cause immune system dysfunction. And thus, this should be corrected as quickly as possible to avoid illness.

Low testosterone post-cycle can also cause:

  • Low libido
  • Decreased well-being
  • Low energy
  • Reductions in muscular strength and hypertrophy.

Trenbolone Cough

This is a violent dry coughing sensation that can alarm trenbolone users and occurs in approximately 20% of injections. Users may also experience chest tightness, leading them to believe this is a dangerous side effect.

Despite feelings of panic, trenbolone cough is not thought to be an emergency situation but instead a reaction caused by vasoconstriction of the bronchus muscular wall.

Trenbolone and Testosterone Comparisons

Testosterone is a superior bulking compound in regard to safety, as it is an FDA-approved medication for hypogonadism. Testosterone may only cause mild or moderate alterations in cholesterol, depending on the dose, whereas trenbolone causes severe rises in LDL levels.

Both are potent for increasing muscle hypertrophy, although trenbolone has slightly more anabolism in practical settings.

Testosterone can cause more overall weight gain due to the aromatase enzyme being present, thus causing some water retention.

Trenbolone will also cause more endogenous suppression regarding the HPT axis compared to testosterone based on our SHBG tests.


tren bad
Trenbolone is potentially damaging to an individual’s cardiac, hepatic, and renal health. However, the risks will vary for each user, depending on their genetics, diet, and dosages.

We have seen people utilize trenbolone and remain in average health, whereas others can be hospitalized from high doses. The health condition of the individual prior to a trenbolone cycle commencing often determines the outcome.

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