Is Trenbolone Safe? The Truth About Its Effects
Disclaimer: The following article is for educational purposes only and does not promote the use of illegal steroids. If you have any questions or concerns, Dr. Touliatos is currently available for consultation.
Trenbolone is a popular anabolic steroid used by bodybuilders to build muscle and burn fat. Primarily, trenbolone is utilized during bulking cycles to add significant amounts of lean mass without the bloating and water retention of other anabolic-androgenic steroids.
As one of the most potent anabolic steroids, trenbolone possesses several benefits. However, trenbolone is also notorious for its side effects, with users rarely being able to cycle it without compromising their short-term health.
Is Trenbolone Safe?
We cannot consider trenbolone safe, as it is not an FDA-approved anabolic steroid in medicine. We have seen physiological and psychological risks in its users.
Lifestyle and genetic factors can also influence the outcome of a trenbolone cycle. For instance, a healthy individual, adopting a healthy diet and incorporating regular cardiovascular exercise, is likely to experience less toxicity than a person genetically susceptible to hypertension, who eats junk food daily and smokes 20 cigarettes a day.
The Main Dangers of Trenbolone
From our tests, we see that trenbolone is the most dangerous steroid for the heart and the hypothalamic-pituitary-testicular axis (HPTA).
Therefore, individuals with hypertension, high LDL (low-density lipoprotein) cholesterol, and hypogonadism should refrain from using tren, as it can exacerbate each of these conditions. For such individuals, trenbolone should be considered unsafe due to the elevated risk of arteriosclerosis and myocardial infarction.
Other side effects are common too, such as:
- Insomnia
- Anxiety
- Hair loss
- Raised liver enzymes
Note: In our liver function tests, we see that injectable trenbolone does not raise liver enzymes significantly in comparison to oral anabolic steroids. However, taking oral trenbolone, also known as methyltrienolone, will cause an excessive rise in alanine aminotransferase (ALT) and aspartate aminotransferase (AST) levels, posing risks to the liver.
Medical Uses of Trenbolone
Trenbolone may be tempting to utilize for individuals suffering from muscle atrophy, as it will significantly increase muscular strength and hypertrophy.
However, such health-compromised individuals should consult a doctor, be informed about the side effects, and understand any potential legal ramifications before purchasing trenbolone.
Risks of Trenbolone and Care
Although it is possible to slightly reduce the side effects of trenbolone, it remains a deleterious anabolic steroid. However, the following recommendations may aid harm reduction.
The primary risk associated with trenbolone comes from a cardiovascular perspective. Thus, blunting excessive elevations of LDL cholesterol and blood pressure should be the main objective of a tren cycle.
Our patients typically take:
- Taking 4 g/day of fish oil
- A reduced sugar diet
- Regular cardiovascular exercise (3–4 times per week)
Fish oil has a notably positive effect on cholesterol, preventing the buildup of plaque in the arteries (atherosclerosis).
We have found a high-sugar diet to be one of the leading causes of high cholesterol and blood pressure in research and in patients; thus, reducing such intake will cause reductions in LDL levels.
Equally, users may choose to adopt a ketogenic diet when cycling trenbolone, which will provide even greater cardioprotective effects (1). To enter a ketogenic state, users should aim for 30 grams of carbohydrates or less per day. In one study, researchers found that forty people who followed a Mediterranean ketogenic diet (which involved a diet with red wine, olive oil, and less than 30 grams of carbohydrates) reduced their systolic blood pressure score by 17 points and their diastolic score by 10 points (2). A ketogenic diet will also enhance subcutaneous and visceral fat loss, which is advantageous for bodybuilders.
Trenbolone users should also be aware of their salt and saturated fat intake, as high amounts may contribute to increased blood viscosity and elevated LDL cholesterol during their cycle.
Avoid stimulants, like caffeine in energy drinks or pre-workouts, as they can cause a vasoconstrictive effect. Coffee is acceptable due to its rich antioxidant profile, which inhibits spikes in blood pressure.
Stacking Dangers
We observe that stacking trenbolone with other anabolic steroids increases its risks.
However, some bodybuilders choose to cycle trenbolone with Anadrol or testosterone, which will exacerbate:
- Testosterone suppression
- Blood pressure
- Liver toxicity readings
To prevent ALT and AST levels from rising excessively, users may supplement with tauroursodeoxycholic acid (3).
The Least and Most Dangerous Doses
The safest dose of trenbolone is to take none. We have found high doses of trenbolone to be particularly damaging, even when taken in the short term.
We have found that a conservative dose of trenbolone of 150 mg/week produces notable results with the least toxicity. However, there is still sufficient toxicity present for users to avoid tren use.
A standard dose would be 250 mg/week, and an aggressive dose is 500 mg/week or more.
Seasoned elite bodybuilders typically utilize the higher doses, as their bodies have become accustomed to the drug over many years, building up tolerance. Novices are more inclined to start on lower doses.
Is Tren Safer Than Other Steroids?
We have found trenbolone to be one of the most toxic anabolic steroids taken by bodybuilders today. Only Anadrol’s toxicity is arguably greater than its own when taken in typical bodybuilding doses.
However, trenbolone is not notably hepatotoxic, so liver inflammation is minimal.
Testosterone, in comparison, is considerably safer, having a less deleterious effect on cholesterol.
Other anabolic steroids, such as Dianabol, Winstrol, and Anavar, will also pose fewer risks; however, due to their oral nature, they will cause more inflammation in the liver.
Psychological Side Effects
We have had a couple of users report significant depression and even suicidal thoughts when taking trenbolone. We understand that many underestimate the psychological effects of this steroid, as it commonly increases bouts of anxiety and depression.
If users develop suicidal tendencies, this could potentially be a dangerous side effect. Therefore, it is advisable to steer clear of trenbolone, especially if you have poor mental health. The cause of such well-being declines is unknown.
The stimulative effects of trenbolone may be attributed to declines in mental health. This typically translates to a short-term increase in dopamine and adrenaline levels for the first few weeks and then significantly less dopamine from there onward. Our patients typically report initial euphoria at the start of trenbolone cycles and then a crash toward the end. Extreme endogenous testosterone suppression can also contribute to decreased well-being.
Research and our personal experience both demonstrate that trenbolone, an illegal steroid, has detrimental effects on the heart.
Although trenbolone may induce anabolism, which may be advantageous to individuals with cachexia, its high toxicity is difficult to ignore.
Thus, if a user has a medical need for trenbolone, then they should consult their doctor and have regular blood tests throughout their cycle to closely monitor their health.
However, other individuals who are contemplating taking trenbolone for cosmetic purposes should be aware of the potential health complications it can cause.