Chemyo is arguably the first company that comes to mind when someone references SARMs. Chemyo is an American company based in Wilmington, Delaware. They are known for their high-quality SARMs and reliability in a gray area niche (1). Undoubtedly, Chemyo’s excellent marketing and chemistry have propelled them to the top of the food chain. But […]
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‘Featured’ Category
What is Anavar? Anavar (oxandrolone) is an oral anabolic steroid created in 1962 to promote lean muscle mass in those suffering from muscle-wasting conditions. The other main objective when formulating Anavar was to create a mild drug with few side effects so women and children could safely take it. In 1964, an American pharmaceutical company […]
The golden era of bodybuilding is widely believed to have been from the 1950s to the 1970s. During these years, the greatest physiques to ever grace the sport were sculpted and are still widely coveted today. During this time, bodybuilders had huge muscles, tiny waists, and perfect symmetry, unlike some bodybuilders today who look 8 […]
An array of questions often surround the topic of anabolic steroids, with people either thinking about taking them or curious about their effects. Asking questions can be a great method of learning; however, there remains a scarce amount of information online due to the taboo nature of steroids, causing much misinformation and bro-science. Sadly, this […]
What Are SARMs? SARMS (selective androgen receptor modulators) are a new generation of anabolic compounds synthesized with the intention of being a superior medicine to exogenous testosterone (anabolic steroids). Scientists’ main objective when formulating SARMs was to achieve a high binding affinity to the androgen receptor with tissue selectivity, thus mimicking the muscle-building effects of […]