RAD 150 vs. RAD 140: Which is the Better SARM?
Disclaimer: Individuals should only use SARMs for research purposes, as they are not FDA-approved and may have adverse effects. Dr. Touliatos is available for consultation should readers have any questions or concerns.
SARMs (selective androgen receptor modulators) are gaining traction in bodybuilding due to their accessibility, attributed to their legal status when used for experimental reasons.
SARMs are designed to mitigate the side effects of anabolic steroids via tissue selectivity, which involves specifically targeting androgen receptors. Thus, their objective is to merely stimulate receptors that promote anabolism rather than ones that will cause side effects.
SARMs aim to mimic the same benefits as anabolic steroids, albeit with less potency. However, we have found SARMs to reproduce several of the same side effects as anabolic steroids, yet with less anabolism.
Despite SARMs posing cardiotoxicity and hepatotoxicity, users can expect increased:
- Muscle mass
- Muscular strength
- Fat loss
- Endurance
- 1 What is RAD 140?
- 2 What is RAD 150?
- 3 RAD 150 vs. RAD 140: Our Findings
- 4 Dose
- 5 Cost
- 6 Taste
- 7 What the Research Says
- 8 FAQs
- 9 Is RAD 140, or RAD 150, More Commonly Used?
- 10 Is RAD 140 or RAD 150 Safe?
- 11 Does RAD 140 or RAD 150 Need a PCT?
- 12 Do I Need to Take Liver Support With RAD 140 or RAD 150?
- 13 What Researchers Are Saying
- 14 RAD 150 vs. RAD 140: Who Wins?
What is RAD 140?
RAD 140 (Testolone) produces significant gains with moderate side effects. RAD 140 is similar to testosterone in the anabolic steroid world, with its reward-to-risk ratio being more favorable than several other SARMs.
In our experience, RAD 140 can add 10 pounds of lean muscle in a single cycle. This amount can make a notable difference visually, considering users are simultaneously burning fat.
We have also seen users strength increase by 50 pounds on compound exercises from their first RAD 140 cycle. Thus, it appears that RAD 140’s strength-enhancing properties surpass its anabolic ones.
What is RAD 150?
RAD 150 (TLB-150) is a new esterified version of RAD 140, with a benzoate ester now being formed.
This modification creates higher alkalinity, extending the SARM’s half-life and creating more steady concentrations in the blood.
RAD 140 already has a half-life of 60 hours; therefore, an increased half-life means that RAD 150 will stay in a user’s system for even longer and thus may be slightly slower to take effect.
RAD 150 vs. RAD 140: Our Findings
Our patient’s lab results show that RAD 150 does not present the same toxicity as RAD 140, being approximately 15% less in terms of cholesterol alterations and liver enzymes.
Our SHBG tests indicate endogenous testosterone suppression to be more pronounced with RAD 150, by approximately 20–30%.
Thus, it is more important to run an effective PCT with RAD 150 to recover natural testosterone levels.
This recovery process may take a few weeks longer for RAD 150 due to the HPTA (hypothalamic-pituitary-testicular axis) being more affected.
RAD 150 users under our care also report 10-15% more muscle gains on average, compared to those that use RAD 140. Strength gains are even more pronounced on RAD 150, being closer to a 20% increase.
Disclosure: We do not accept any form of advertising on Inside Bodybuilding. We monetize our practice via doctor consultations and carefully chosen supplement recommendations, which have given our patients excellent results.
Best SARMs Company in 2025
Sports Technology Labs

Sports Technology Labs is our recommended US source for SARMs in liquid and powder form.
They consistently formulate products with a purity level greater than 98%, authenticated via independent certificates of analysis.
Sports Technology Labs also has a no credit card fee policy, with other sources charging up to 10%.
Maximum discount code (15% off): inside15
Swiss Chems is our recommended source for SARMs in pill form. They guarantee a purity of at least 99% on all products. Swiss Chems is a US company that provides excellent stealth shipping worldwide, successfully bypassing customs. Time of arrival: 2-4 days (US), 7-10 days (worldwide). Maximum discount code (10% off): inside10Swiss Chems
SARM companies typically have RAD 150 dosed lower than RAD 140 due to its extra potency.
A typical cycle of RAD 150 is dosed at 10 mg/day for 8 weeks.
However, users will typically take RAD 140 at 15 mg/day for 8 weeks.
RAD 150 is slightly more expensive than RAD 140 per bottle.
Here is how their prices compare (source: sportstechnologylabs.com):
- RAD 140: $64.99 (15 mg/ml) – 30 ml
- RAD 150: $69.99 (10 mg/ml) – 30 ml
Anecdotally, we have found that RAD 150 tastes more pleasant, which can be attributed to the addition of the new benzoate ester.
What the Research Says
RAD 140 Studies
Research in monkeys demonstrated a 10% increase in mass from a RAD 140 dosage of 0.1 mg/kg per day for 28 days (1). This would translate to 7.5 mg per day for a 75-kg man.
Interestingly, dosages exceeding 0.1 mg/kg did not produce any further increases in mass.
Researchers also found that liver enzymes and prostate mass in the monkeys remained stable.
Another study on rats showed that a RAD 140 dose of 3 mg/kg per day produced the same amount of muscle gains vs. a 1 mg/kg dose of testosterone (2). Thus, a very high dose of RAD 140 may rival the muscle-building power of anabolic steroids. However, 3 mg/kg of RAD 140 per day in humans is likely to yield severe side effects.
There is also evidence that excessive dosages of RAD 140 can cause muscle atrophy, as rats at risk of sarcopenia had a higher mortality risk when taking 5 mg per kg/day of RAD 140 (3).
Androgens have been shown to demonstrate neuroprotective qualities in research. We have also seen the same cognitive-enhancing effects with RAD 140 in rats (4), giving promise for the treatment of dementia-related diseases. RAD 140 may be considered a more optimal treatment than testosterone for such, as the latter causes prostatic hyperplasia. However, RAD 140 would need to demonstrate acceptable safety in humans before being approved by the FDA to treat neurological conditions.
RAD 150 Studies
There is a lack of medical research conducted on RAD 150 at this time, so despite some promising early findings, it remains an experimental SARM.
Is RAD 140, or RAD 150, More Commonly Used?
RAD 140 has been around for longer; thus, more researchers are inclined to utilize it. RAD 150 is a new SARM in comparison, and thus its effects aren’t known by many people.
Is RAD 140 or RAD 150 Safe?
There is not enough clinical research to suggest that RAD 140 or RAD 150 are safe. RAD 140 and RAD 150 are only legal for experimental purposes, and thus human consumption is prohibited.
Our experience suggests SARMs like RAD 140 replicate similar anabolic effects to steroids, but with less anabolism and comparable side effects.
Does RAD 140 or RAD 150 Need a PCT?
RAD 140 and RAD 150 are both suppressive SARMs, and thus a PCT is commonly implemented upon cycle cessation to accelerate endogenous testosterone recovery.
In our experience, SERMs such as Nolvadex and Clomid produce efficacious results in healing the HPTA (hypothalamic-pituitary-testicular axis).
Without taking a PCT, it can take several weeks for researchers testosterone levels to return to normal following RAD 140 and RAD 150 cycles.
We have found RAD 150 to be more suppressive than RAD 140, potentially requiring a couple of PCT medications for swift recovery.
Do I Need to Take Liver Support With RAD 140 or RAD 150?
TUDCA (tauroursodeoxycholic acid) supplementation can be beneficial when utilizing potential hepatotoxic compounds. This bile salt supplement can reduce hepatic stress, decreasing ALT and AST levels. We have found 500 mg/day to be an effective dose for users utilizing SARMs.
What Researchers Are Saying
Members of our Facebook page have shared the following anecdotes.
I’ve used both, and RAD 150 is stronger due to the extended half-life. With RAD 150, I took 10 mg as opposed to my normal dose of 20 mg RAD 140 to test the claims. Honestly, I would say 10 mg RAD 150 is slightly weaker than 20 mg RAD 140. Maybe equivalent to about 17.5 mg RAD 140 in my opinion, so not quite twice as effective as is claimed but pretty close.
RAD 150 has a longer half-life, so theoretically, you don’t have to dose as often. Some research claims it’s stronger than 140, but I don’t think there’s a noticeable difference between the two.
Just in case anyone is interested. I just finished 8 weeks on Rad 150. Gained 8 lbs of muscle, down to 17 percent bf from 21 percent. No hair loss, no mood swings or headaches, and no blood pressure problems. I did have insomnia, though. Happy with the results.
Dylan Gemelli, a NASM-certified personal trainer, has observed RAD 140’s effects. He warns that there is not a vast amount of information on RAD 150. Gemelli states that the main differences are that “RAD 150 is esterified, meaning it has an extended half-life.” Thus, RAD 150 can cause more stable SARM serum levels. Gemelli says that a longer half-life is advantageous for some users who may prefer administering SARMs every two days as opposed to every day.
Ryan Ankrom, certified personal trainer, says RAD 140 and RAD 150 are “very similar.” He adds, “RAD 150 does the same thing as RAD 140, but better,” due to it having a structural advantage, possessing an additional benzoate ester.
RAD 150 vs. RAD 140: Who Wins?
Based on our early anecdotal labs, RAD 150 appears to be the more optimal SARM, with an improved reward-to-risk ratio. However, little research exists for RAD 150; thus, it remains an unknown substance (even more so than RAD 140).
Co Authors :
(1) https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/24900290/
(2) https://academic.oup.com/endo/article/154/9/3294/2423518?login=false
(3) https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/37758180/
(4) https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/24428527/