Archive for the
‘SARMs’ Category

Where to Buy RAD 140? (Top 3 Sources Reviewed)

RAD 140 (Testolone) is the best-selling SARM on the market due to its significant anabolic (muscle-building), lipolytic (fat-burning), and strength-enhancing properties. However, users should exercise caution when purchasing RAD 140. A limited investigation confirmed that only 52% of SARMs being sold online actually contain the SARM compound as specified on the label. Worryingly, 39% of […]

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3 Best SARMs for Cutting (Before/After Pictures)

SARMs (selective androgen receptor modulators) were formulated to mimic the muscle-building effects of anabolic steroids as a potential medicinal treatment for cachexia. Thus, SARMs’ main function is anabolism, i.e., to increase lean muscle tissue. However, SARMs also possess lipolytic (fat-burning) effects due to stimulation of AR (androgen receptors). We find most SARMs will reduce overall […]

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5 Best SARMs for Bulking (Before/After Pictures)

SARMs (selective androgen receptor modulators) have recently been formulated as a potential medicinal alternative to anabolic steroids. Scientists’ main objective when synthesizing SARMs was to replicate the anabolic effects of steroids without any androgenic side effects. This has been successfully achieved via the mechanism of tissue selectivity, where SARMs bind to cells that promote anabolism […]

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7 Best SARMs (Ranked from Best to Worst)

Key Takeaways The best SARM for: Beginners with the fewest side effects is Ostarine Building lean muscle is RAD 140 Cutting and burning fat is Cardarine (technically a PPARD) Selective androgen receptor modulators (SARMs) have become very popular in the bodybuilding world since their recent formulation in the 1990s. SARMs may prove to be revolutionary […]

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Are SARMs Legal? (US, UK, Australia Laws & More)

Non-steroidal selective androgen receptor modulators (SARMs) have become very popular in the realm of bodybuilding since their recent formulation in the 1990s. Are SARMs Legal? As of 2022, SARMs are currently 100% legal worldwide (excluding Australia). In Australia, SARMs are classified as Schedule 4 substances, so they are illegal to possess unless a person has […]

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